The EU directive on the security of Networks and Information Systems (known as the NIS Directive) is having a major impact on working practices. Network and information systems and the essential services they support play a vital role in society, from ensuring the supply of electricity and water, to the provision of healthcare and passenger and freight transport. Their reliability and security are essential to everyday activities. There is therefore a need to improve the security of network and information systems across the EU, with a focus on essential services which if disrupted, could potentially cause significant damage to the economy, society and individuals' welfare.
This one-day facilitated workshop is intended as a starting point for senior managers and executives to understand the NIS directive and the implications it has on their organisation. Through lectures and range of practical exercises, you will come to understand how NIS impacts upon your organisation and create a road map to develop compliance with NIS. Through the day you will have expert guidance and help from a cyber security expert who will be on hand to facilitate.