Net Zero

Our path to a carbon-free future 

  • "Net zero" by 2035 at the latest
  • Emissions will be reduced by at least 90%
  • We actively and permanently extract the last maximum 10% from the atmosphere

From 2035 at the latest, we want Munich Airport’s operations to no longer leave any CO2 in the atmosphere. Achieving net zero means we need to reduce the emissions that we ourselves can influence – known as Scope 1 and 2 emissions – by a minimum of 90%. Suitable projects will be initiated to actively and permanently remove the remaining not more than 10% from the atmosphere. Our base year is 2016, when our carbon emissions amounted to around 100,000 metric tons.

To achieve net zero, we will take action in four areas: our energy supply, our technical airport facilities, our buildings and our vehicle fleet.

Net Zero Milestones

Energy supply

We will massively expand the use of photovoltaics on the airport grounds as a sustainable source of energy. We will also purchase electricity from renewable sources and even establish an additional power grid to ensure the reliable supply of the energy we need. Additionally, we will operate our in-house cogeneration plant using renewable natural gas, also known as biomethane. 

Technical airport facilities

We have already made considerable progress with our technical airport facilities, including switching all of the apron lighting, some parking garages and some of the exterior lighting to energy-saving, low-maintenance LED technology. The next step involves replacing the runway lighting. Various other measures are also being implemented, including the installation of more efficient motors in our baggage transportation systems and passenger boarding bridges.

Real estate

Our real estate also offers considerable potential. We are committed to sustainable, environmentally friendly construction and will ensure that our new buildings have low energy consumption. The energy performance of our existing buildings will be optimized. Key aspects include innovative ventilation technology, efficient lighting, and the optimized control of air conditioning and heating systems based on current outdoor temperatures as well as weather forecasts.


Last but not least, we will convert our vehicle fleet to electric drives. Where this is not possible, e.g. in the case of the airport fire department, we will make use of alternative drive systems and fuels.

What are we doing about the remaining ten percent? 

How can carbon dioxide be removed once it has already reached the atmosphere?

Removing CO2 from the atmosphere is called “Carbon Dioxide Removal” (CDR). Research into various methods for achieving CDR is currently taking place around the world. . Examples could be the rewetting of moors, humus creation in agriculture or suitable systems for filtering and storing CO2 (so-called direct air capture and storage - DACCS).

And what about aviation? Are aircraft not responsible for far more carbon emissions than airports?

Because we also want Munich Airport to make a contribution to environmentally friendly aviation, we are pursuing a dual climate strategy. In addition to supplying aircraft at most parking positions with ground power from our power grid (rather than from mobile diesel generators), we can provide aircraft with energy-efficient preconditioned air from our PCA units. This eliminates the need for aircraft to keep their auxiliary power units running while parked up. We are implementing a range of additional measures and projects to support the companies based at Munich Airport – especially airlines – to reduce their own carbon emissions. In particular, we aim to conduct joint research and development projects in order to lower these Scope 3 emissions.

What is the composition of Munich Airport's CO2 emissions?

The so-called CO2 footprint of a company is divided into three scopes. Scope 1 of Munich Airport therefore comprises direct emissions from its own energy generation. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions resulting from the generation of energy purchased by Munich Airport. Scope 3 includes emissions caused by third-party activities on the airport campus. The three scopes reflect the options the airport has to influence the respective emissions - from direct to indirect. Munich Airport's main focus is on reducing its own CO2 emissions, which it can influence directly. In addition, the airport supports its customers and partners in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.

Net Zero Scopes

Net Zero at the airport

Support for air traffic