Press: For more sustainable air travel

Munich Airport relies on eGPU technology for energy supply

November 28, 2024

  • By the end of 2024, 20 emission-free, electric ground power units will be in use
  • eGPUs reduce noise and environmental pollution
  • Annual savings of 8,000 tons of CO₂ through the use of ground power

Munich Airport is implementing another goal of its ambitious sustainability program "Net Zero 2035". The first two battery-operated "Ground Power Units", in short eGPUs, are now being used on the apron by AeroGround, a wholly owned subsidiary of Munich Airport. The devices supply the aircraft at the parking positions that are not directly connected to the boarding bridges. By December 2024, a total of 20 of these machines are to be in use. "Net Zero" means that the CO₂ emissions influenced by the airport are reduced by at least 90 percent. The remaining maximum of ten percent will be permanently removed from the atmosphere through suitable projects.

The use of ground power enables a significant reduction in the carbon dioxide emissions of aircraft during their downtime, as the auxiliary power units (APUs) that run on kerosene can remain switched off. This means that around 8,000 tonnes of CO₂ can be avoided every year at Munich Airport. By purchasing the battery-powered ground power units, Munich Airport is now also sustainably reducing its own fossil fuel requirements. The purchase of electrically powered passenger buses also serves the same purpose. Ten of these emission-free vehicles are already in use, and 27 more are to be added by the end of the year. With the consistent switch from conventional to electric technology, Munich Airport GmbH is now taking another step closer to its "Net Zero 2035" goal.

The procurement of environmentally friendly power generators at Munich Airport was supported with around EUR 5.6 million by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport as part of the funding program for the market activation of alternative technologies for the climate- and environmentally-friendly supply of aircraft with ground power at airports (ground power directive). The total amount is divided between Flughafen München GmbH and AeroGround. The funding guideline is coordinated by NOW GmbH, applications are approved by the Federal Office of Administration.


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Flughafen München GmbH