Sustainability management

Munich Airport's sustainability strategy

The sustainability strategy is interlinked with the Group strategy and consists of the core elements "material issues" of sustainable development and their implementation plan in the strategic sustainability program. The results of the stakeholder survey conducted annually are presented in the materiality matrix.

Overall, Flughafen München GmbH's sustainability strategy contributes to the United Nations' global Sustainable Development Goals.

Materiality matrix

The Materiality matrix prioritizes topics for the stakeholder groups and for FMG itself. The relevance of a topic for the stakeholders is assessed through an annual survey of the stakeholder groups. The results of the survey are presented in a materiality matrix with two equivalent axes showing the significance of individual issues for internal and external stakeholders.

Sustainable development

The material topics for Munich Airport were determined based on a materiality analysis. Munich Airport's management approaches follow the requirements of the GRI Standards presented in the GRI Content Index.

Sustainability program

The sustainability program is a Group-wide program that provides the roadmap for sustainable development at FMG. It consists of concrete initiatives and measures that are of high relevance for a sustainable corporate development.

Every year, dedicated discussions are held to update the strategic sustainability program with the relevant units and assess achievement of targets.


Sustainability indicators

Thinking for the long term, acting responsibly, creating transparency in communications: Munich Airport reports on its efforts in the field of sustainability in accordance with the
highest standards.

The sustainability indicators have been reviewed by an auditor and are marked with a check mark.


Further subjects

German Sustainability Code

Questions about our sustainability activities? Please contact:

Questions about our integrated reporting? Please contact:

  • Johannes Endler

    Flughafen München GmbH
    Communication & Politics